Tedboy gets JAKIM’s Halal Cert

We proudly announce to you that we have recently received halal certification from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM)! It was a gruelling process, with all departments involved, we can now present to you our Halal-Certified Central Kitchen, located at Petaling Jaya.

Our Muslim customers can purchase our products with confidence as we abide to Halal policy of maintaining good manufacturing practices, good hygiene practises and fulfill all requirements required by JAKIM. We also have an Internal Halal Committee, responsible for all matters pertaining to halal.


What is Halal?

Halal is the manner of producing goods and services that is Syariah or Islamic law compliant, which is not only limited to food and beverage, but also other industries such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Did you know that JAKIM’s Halal Certification is the highest standard globally?

It is cited that Malaysia is the benchmark for the halal food industry as it seen as a sign of trustworthiness indicating genuineness by Muslims. JAKIM is also the world’s first halal certification body responsible for monitoring the halal industry, and its recognition programme for international Halal bodies is the most stringent and sought-after programme with over 50 international bodies registered to-date. The logo itself is globally-recognised and serves as an emblem for Malaysia’s reputation as the world’s leading halal hub.


How do I check whether a company is certified Halal?

Login to http://www.halal.gov.my/. You’ll see a “Verify Halal Status” search bar on the home page. If you know the company’s registered name, do key in to give it a search. Example, try search for Tedboy’s registered company name: Uniqbe Bakery Sdn. Bhd.

Below is the screenshot of the search result:

With this, you can browse through JAKIM’s directory to check if you have any doubts.


Why did Tedboy apply for Halal?

We have always been practising Muslim-friendly products as our team is made up of Muslims (bakers, chefs, kitchen crew and staff). Halal certification has always been one of our goals, as Malaysia is made up of 60% Malay Muslims, and it will be a good to have the 100% guarantee and assurance by JAKIM. Fortunately for us, we managed to obtain the certification this year, after application and audits!


Does Tedboy have any other future goals related to Halal?

Ultimately, in the long run, we hope to be able to apply Halal for all our brick and mortar stores (individually!) as well as supply goods to other F&B businesses, as well as hospitality businesses. Halal certification can definitely bring us closer to our goals. Who knows, maybe we will be able to open up more stores nationwide? (Dreaming big ;p)

People always say, “Aim for the stars and maybe you’ll reach the sky.” 

Halal Certificates:








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